Content Hub Tip #17: How to fix 403 on internal pages?

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Every once in a while you do something stupid less brilliant. It was importing a package on the same Content Hub instance as it was created. Apparently, when you do this, it can cause some side effects. The side effect that I experienced was that certain pages would result in a 403 - Access forbidden.

403 - Access forbidden

With some investigation, I found out that there were multiple pages affected by the issue. To name a few pages:
  • Background processes
  • Asset details
  • Profile page
  • My Saved selections
  • About page
I tried to resolve the issue myself, but unfortunately, I couldn't find the problem. So I created a support ticket for assistance on the matter. Sitecore support found out that the pages lost their relationship with their parent page. In order to resolve the issue, I needed to re-establish the link. 

Missing parent link

This was done by navigating to the Entity Management page of the User root page ( Then click on the pencil to start changing the page. Scroll down to Subpages value. As you can see in the image above, it's missing its parent link. To resolve this, click on the + sign next to the box and search for Home. Be sure to Select Home and hit OK. It should look like this.

Relationship fixed

Don't close this page just yet! You need to clear the cache as well. Otherwise, people will still not be able to access the pages, Until, of course, the cached pages expire. You don't want your client to wait for that moment...

Happy coding, until next time!