Content Hub Tip #1: Manage the navigation

When customizing the Content Hub, we would like to get the best possible solution for our customers. Something simple like setting the navigation properly is an important thing to do. So without further ado. How do we do this?

First things first, you need to have the proper rights to change the navigation structure within Content Hub. As a SuperUser within Content Hub, you'll have no problem making changes to the navigation. In order to make changes, let go into the Manage > Pages.

On this page, you will see all the pages that are available in the Content Hub. As you might notice the pages listed at the top, are the same pages in the navigation. The order of the pages in the list, is the same for the navigation.


If you want to change the order of the navigation, just drag and drop by clicking  on the dots left of the page name, then drag it on the place you would like it to be. The higher in the tree, the more on the left it will be.

Drag and drop pages

As you can see, there are a lot more pages than there are navigation items. How can this be? Actually, not every page appears in the menu. If you need a specific page to be available in the navigation, click on the page in the navigation on the left side. This will open the page on the right. There you will see multiple tabs, click on Info. Look at the Appears in menu property to see if that's enabled. For the Recipe page, it's enabled. So this is the first page that will be available in the navigation.

Appear in menu

For more information about page navigation, see the Sitecore documentation.